Jimmy Chiu
長號 Trombone
香港兒童交響樂團管樂導師 Winds Instructor, Hong Kong Children's Symphony Orchestra

趙漢權現為香港演藝學院音樂學士三年級學生,主修長號演奏,師隨香港管弦樂團長號樂師韋力奇Maciek Walicki老師。現為香港交響管樂團首席長號手和香港演藝學院交響樂團長號手,他亦經常以客席長號樂手身份於不同專業樂團演出,包括香港管弦樂團、香港歌劇院和香港專業管樂團。
Jimmy Chiu is currently a Year 3 student of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for Bachelor of Music, majoring in Trombone Performance. He is studying with Maciek Walicki who is the Trombone player in Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He is the principal trombone player of the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds and the trombone player of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Academy Symphony Orchestra. He always appears as a guest player in different professional ensembles such as Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Opera Hong Kong Orchestra and Hong Kong Professional Winds.